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A message from Penn State President Eric J. Barron
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A message from Penn State President Eric J. Barron

In the face of severe financial impacts to the University brought on by the global coronavirus pandemic, on April 23 Penn State President Eric J. Barron announced some salary adjustments; a 3% across-the-board cut to university budgets in the next fiscal year; and his intention to work with the Board of Trustees to freeze tuition for the 2020-21 academic year to limit student costs.

ACPC: Career Planning During COVID-19 Webinar
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ACPC: Career Planning During COVID-19 Webinar

This is a recording of an ACPC webinar discussing career search strategies, networking in a virtual world, interviewing strategies, and how to be successful at a virtual career fair. For additional assistance with these topics, please call the ACPC at 814-898-6164.