Assignment of Mailboxes
Student mailboxes are for on-campus resident students who have requested a physical mailbox. When your status with Behrend changes to that of a commuter student or if you leave campus, then your mailbox assignment is terminated.
If you have a physical mailbox, visit it frequently during the semester, as they are small and fill quickly.
All students are obligated to follow United States Postal Service regulations. It is a felony to tamper with mail that is not your own.
Request for Campus Mailbox
If you would like a physical mailbox, please complete the Request for Campus Mailbox. This form may also be used to request a change in the height of your assigned mailbox if it is not accessible (i.e., too high or too low).
Opening Your Mailbox
Refer to the Mailbox Combination Instructions for information on how to open your physical mailbox if you have one. If you need further help with your combination, see the attendants at the Mail Services window during regular service hours.