In order to assist you in scheduling classes for the remainder of your program, we have listed some important reminders below. There will be exceptions to these scheduling guidelines (especially for those of you who have transferred in from another academic major or university and those who decide later in their college experience), many of you will find that these guidelines are applicable. You also should develop a schedule for the completion of courses for both majors.
1. In your fifth semester, you should be completing the following:
- Prescribed Courses: FIN 301, MGMT 301, MKTG 301
- Supporting Courses: Foreign language, Culture/International Studies
Important notes: It's very important that you complete FIN 301, MGMT 301, SCM 301 and MKTG 301at this time because these are prerequisites for the upper-level international and other business courses that you will start taking in your 6th semester.
Also, make sure that you register for the appropriate level of the foreign language that you have chosen to study. If you are not sure, speak with your International Business adviser or an instructor in your foreign language to determine where you should begin your language studies. To avoid getting out of sequence, you also should note that the language courses at Behrend are usually offered in the following pattern each year:
- Fall Semester: French 1 and 3, German 1 and 3, Spanish 1, 2, and 3
- Spring Semester: French 2, German 2, Spanish 1, 2, and 3
(Language courses also may be offered during the summer.)
2. In your sixth semester, you should be completing the following:
Additional Courses: Int'l Business (IB 303, ECON 470)
Supporting Courses: Foreign language, course for second business major
Important Notes: This major requires that you complete four international business courses (IB 3030, ECON 470, FIN 471, MGMT 461, MKTG 445, or other courses approved by the Black School of Business). Assuming you have completed all the prerequisites, it does not matter in which order you complete these courses. However, you should note that these international business courses have been offered in the following pattern in the recent past:
- Fall Semester: IB 303, FIN 471, ECON 470, IB 497 (International Logistics)
- Spring Semester: IB 303, FIN 471, MGMT 46, MKTG 445, IB 497 (International Law)
3. In your seventh semester, you should be completing the following:
Additional Courses: completion of a minimum of 4 International Business courses.
Supporting Courses:
Study Abroad
Course for second business major
Course for second business major
Important Notes: You are required to complete at least 3 credits of school-approved non-business education abroad courses. The actual semester in which you study abroad will vary, depending on your personal circumstances.
4. In your eighth semester, you should be completing the following:
Prescribed Courses: MGMT 471W
Supporting Courses:
Course for second business major
Course for second business major
Course for second business major
Course for second business major
Important Notes: You may not take MGMT 471W until after you have satisfied all the prerequisites, which are FIN 301, MANGT 300/MGMT 301, SCM 301, MKTG 301, and at least 7th-semester standing. None of the prerequisites may be taken as co-requisites.
Other Important Reminders for International Business Students:
The International Business major is a dual major program. Therefore, to formally declare this as your major, you must declare your second academic major through Lionpath. You may not do this in the semester in which you will graduate. You will then be assigned a specific adviser in your second major who is familiar with the requirements of International Business and will work with you International Business adviser to plan your program. Therefore, you will have two advisers, one in International Business and one in your second academic major.
Students who receive advanced placement in a foreign language should contact your International Business adviser to identify courses that are approved in international studies/culture courses in order to complete the 15-credit foreign language and culture requirement.
Most students will study abroad during their junior or senior year. It's never too early to start planning your education abroad program of study. Many programs require that you apply one year in advance of the actual travel date. Some programs also may have prerequisites that you must first complete before studying abroad. Although our international business major requires only 3 credits of non-business study abroad course work, most students will take more than 3 credits while they are abroad. You should also consult both your International Business adviser and your second-major adviser to ensure the credits taken abroad will transfer and also that they will apply toward degree progress in one of the two degrees.
You should consult with your International Business adviser before you actually enroll in an education abroad program to determine if and where the study abroad courses will fit into your international business program or your second major requirements. For more information about education abroad, you may contact Ms. Ruth Pflueger, the Director of the Learning Resource Center. You also may check the Black School of Business Study Abroad website.
Your actual course schedules will depend on what you have chosen as your 2nd business major. You should carefully plan ahead to ensure that you satisfy any necessary prerequisites and to confirm that the courses you need will be offered. See a comprehensive list of prerequisites for all School of Business courses. To see which junior/senior level courses will be offered in the upcoming two semesters, refer to the list of tentative course offerings at the front of the "Schedule of Classes" form distributed by the Registrar's Office every semester.
Please consult with your International Business adviser on any questions about the requirements for the International Business major. A good way to help you track your progress through the program is to follow the SAP/check sheet for the major, although self-advising is strongly discouraged if you want to complete both majors in four years.