This 15-credit certificate will provide the core information and competencies for students interested in pursuing a position in behavioral health and clinical or counseling psychology. It will be useful to both psychology majors interested in pursuing clinical or counseling psychology and for returning students taking courses part-time for career advancement. The certificate may also serve as the gateway to a minor or major in psychology.
Introduction to Abnormal Psychology overviews the assessment, causes, and treatments of psychological disorders. Introduction to Clinical Psychology focuses on diagnostic procedures, treatment, and ethical issues involved in working in mental health settings. PSYCH 495 provides a 3-credit supervised internship experience. This requirement may be waived if the student provides documentation of adequate professional experience. Two additional courses from the program list below will be used to meet the students' specific needs. Note that all psychology courses require the prerequisite of PSYCH 100, Introduction to Psychology.
Students must have a C or better in each certificate course.
Required Courses
- PSYCH 270: Introduction to Abnormal Psychology (3 credits)
- PSYCH 481: Introduction to Clinical Psychology (3 credits)
- PSYCH 495: Internship (3 credits)
Choose two of the following courses:
- PSYCH 238: Introduction to Personality Psychology (GS) (3 credits)
- PSYCH 243: Introduction to Well-being and Positive Psychology (GS) (3 credits)
- PSYCH 404/EDPSY 450: Principles of Measurement (3 credits)
- PSYCH 423: Social Psychology of Interpersonal/Intergroup Relationships (3 credits)
- PSYCH 470: Abnormal Psychology (3 credits)
- PSYCH 471: Psychology of Adjustment and Social Relationships (3 credits)
- PSYCH 473: Behavior Modification (3 credits)
- PSYCH 474: Psychological Intervention in Childhood (3 credits)
- PSYCH 476: Child Psychopathology (3 credits)
- PSYCH 477: Mental Health Practicum with Children (3 credits)
- PSYCH 478: Clinical Neuropsychology (3 credits)
For questions or more information, please contact Dr. Wilson Brown, associate professor of clinical psychology, at [email protected]