The 15-credit undergraduate certificate program in Crime, Psychology, and Public Policy (CRMPPP) provides students an overview of the causes of crime and criminal behavior, the legal and criminal justice processes, and public policy toward crime-related issues. Students receive an in-depth understanding of the social and psychological causes of crime, policies to fight and prevent crime, the use of psychology to analyze and investigate criminal behavior, and the legal processes that involve accused and convicted criminals. The certificate program is intended for those who are interested in learning more about the criminal justice system and the causes of crime. Knowledge of the causes of criminal behavior and the criminal justice system are important to careers in the police, security, the correctional system, social work, law, psychology, journalism, and government or politics.
List of Courses* Included in the Certificate:
Take 3 credits in each of the following subject areas from a program list of approved courses.
Criminology Approved list of courses
- SOC 012 (GS): Criminology
Crime and the Individual Approved list of courses
- PSYCH 243 (GS): Introduction to Well-being and Positive Psychology
- PSYCH 256 (GS): Introduction to Cognitive Psychology
- PSYCH 261 (GS): Introduction to Psychology of Learning
- PSYCH 270: Introduction to Abnormal Psychology
- PSYCH 412: Adolescence
- PSYCH 473: Behavior Modification
- PSYCH 476: Child Psychopathology
Crime and Society Approved list of courses
- PSYCH 221 (GS): Introduction to Social Psychology
- PSYCH 232 (GS;US;IL): Cross-Cultural Psychology
- CRIMJ 423: Sexual and Domestic Violence
- PSYCH 445: Forensic Psychology
- SOC 05 (GS): Social Problems
- SOC 013 (GS): Juvenile Delinquency
Crime and Public Policy Approved list of courses
- PL SC 177N (GS): Politics and Government in Washington, D.C.
- PL SC 202 (GS, US): American Public Policy
- PL SC 223N (GS;US;IL): Ethnic and Racial Politics
- PL SC 419: The Bureaucratic State
- PL SC 439: The Politics of Terrorism
- PL SC 482: American State and Urban Politics
- PL SC 489: Public Administration
Crime and Law* Approved list of courses
- CRIM/CRIMJ 100 (GS): Introduction to Criminal Justice
- PL SC 178: Organized Crime, Law, and Politics
- PL SC 471: American Constitutional Law
- PL SC 472: The American Legal Process
- PL SC 473: American Judicial Behavior
- PL SC 487: International Law and Organizations