Tuition is assessed based on your Pennsylvania resident or non-resident status, campus location, degree level, degree program, and credit load.
Penn State's Tuition and College Cost Estimator can help you to estimate your tuition and fees for the M.A. in Clinical Psychology program. All cost of attendance elements can be viewed at this webpage after selecting the location. (In the estimator drop-down menu, choose "Penn State Erie" as your Campus of Primary Enrollment and "Capital College" as your College.)
Research Scholarships
Information about highly competitive merit-based scholarships is available on Penn State’s Graduate School Funding page.
Financial Aid
Graduate financial aid options are available to graduate students in the Clinical Psychology M.A. program. For additional information, contact the Penn State Behrend Office of Financial Aid by emailing [email protected] or calling 814-898-6162.
If you plan to apply for financial aid, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. Penn State’s six-digit FAFSA code is 003329. At the graduate level, you can access federal student loans if you are enrolled in 5 or more graduate credits per semester.
Parking Costs
Parking permit prices vary for students at Penn State Behrend. For up-to-date permit prices, see the Parking Services Permit Prices page.