UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — During finals week, Penn State University Libraries is offering stress- reducing games and activities to help students relax as they study for finals and complete end-of-semester papers and projects.
Hours at Libraries locations University-wide will vary and may change during finals week and through the end of semester and are available at the Libraries' website. Visitors are encouraged to verify all locations’ operating prior to their visit.
De-stress Fest takes place at five branch libraries across the University Park campus and at 12 Penn State campuses across the commonwealth, offering free snacks, games, activities, art therapy and other stress-management options, which vary with location.
At Paterno Library on the University Park campus, students can drop in at Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library, between 3 and 8 p.m. Sunday, April 30, to Tuesday, May 2, for free coffee, snacks, crafts and a Meet Your Summer Read book giveaway.
"The Informed Consumer: Meet Your Summer Read" is a book giveaway event to encourage leisure summer reading. Books may be selected based upon mood, genre or subject but are wrapped so that covers and titles are not visible. These books are for students to keep — no need to check out or return later, offered while supplies last.
University Park activities
University Park branch library locations will offer snacks, coffee hours and various activities to students while they study. The full schedule for De-stress Fest activities at all University Park Libraries locations is listed below:
Tuesday, April 25–Thursday, April 27, Architecture and Landscape Architecture Library, first floor, Stuckeman Family Building
- Puzzles, snacks and crafts available daily, 5-10 p.m.
Sunday, April 30–Tuesday, May 2, Pattee Library and Paterno Library, Mann Assembly Room, 103 Paterno Library
- 3-8 p.m.: Free coffee, snacks and crafts
- Meet Your Summer Read book giveaway
Monday, May 1–Thursday, May 4, Engineering Library, 325 Hammond Building
- Coloring, puzzles, button machine and crafts
- Snacks and beverages (while supplies last)
Monday, May 1 – Thursday, May 4, Fletcher L. Byrom Earth and Mineral Sciences Library, 105 Deike Building
- Coloring and jigsaw puzzles provided all day, and snacks (while supplies last)
- Group study rooms, One Button Studio, Virtual Reality Center (reservations required), comfy seating and lots of table space to suit your study needs
- Cub Pantry (Lion’s Pantry partner)
Monday, May 1 – Thursday, May 4, Physical and Mathematical Sciences Library, 201 Davey Lab
- Coloring and jigsaw puzzles
- Snacks (while supplies last)
Campus activities
Campus libraries will offer snacks, coffee hours and various activities to students while they study. The full schedule for De-stress Fest campus libraries activities is listed below:
Monday, April 24 - Friday, April 28, Penn State Beaver Campus Library
- Coloring, jigsaw puzzles and board games provided all day
- Snacks, Coffee, and Tea (while supplies last)
- Therapy Dogs — Wednesday, April 26 at 12:15 - 1:15 pm
- Research and citation Help, group and quiet study rooms, Relaxation Station,Virtual Reality Spot (borrow a VR headset at the front desk)
Thursday, April 27 – Monday, May 1, Penn State Behrend, John M. Lilley Library
- Puzzles, games, Legos, coloring
- Snacks
Thursday, April 27 – Thursday, May 4, Penn State Berks Thun Library
- Snacks, magnetic poetry, puzzles, coloring, writing prompts
- snacks
Thursday April 27 - Friday May 5, Penn State Brandywine, Vairo Library
- Puzzles, coloring, Origami and more to help you recharge.
- Snacks
Monday, April 24 – Friday, April 28, Penn State Fayette Campus Library
- Resources, services, crafts and goodies to help you unwind.
Monday, April 24 – Friday, April 28, Penn State Greater Allegheny, J. Clarence Kelly Library
- Extended hours: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
- Coloring, puzzles, board games, Mario Kart
- Snacks and beverages
- Help with research and citations, proof-reading and tutoring
Monday, May 1 – Friday, May 5, Penn State Harrisburg, Madlyn L. Hanes Library
- Coloring and snacks (while supplies last)
Monday, April 24 – Friday, April 28, Penn State Hazleton, Mary M. and Bertil E. Lofstrom Library
- Coloring, Puzzles, Board games, Zen sand garden, and Stress relief bubble sheets
- Group study rooms, One Button Studio and Student Makerspace
Monday, April 24 – Friday, April 28, Penn State New Kensington, Elizabeth S. Blissell Library
- Snacks and coffee to help you study
Monday, April 24 – Friday, May 5, Penn State Shenango, Lartz Memorial Library
- Coloring and Sticker Pages, Jigsaw Puzzles, Board Games, Crafts
- Coffee, Tea, and Hot Chocolate (while supplies last)
- Group study rooms, One Button Studio, Massage Chair, Yoga props
Friday, April 28, Penn State Wilkes-Barre, Nesbitt Library
- Graphic novels, puzzles, Nintendo Switch, board games, leisure books
- Spaces to relax with friends
Monday, May 1 – Wednesday, May 3, Penn State York, Lee R. Glatfelter Library
- Extended hours until 9 p.m.
- Coloring and jigsaw puzzles
- Evening snacks
Library Guide on Personal Health and Mental Wellness
Studying students may find the Library Guide on Personal Health and Mental Wellness useful, which includes many informational resources on topics ranging from sleep and nutrition to digital well-being and exercise, as well as links for getting help through Penn State services.
For more information about De-stress Fest or for questions about accommodations for this event, contact Megan Gilpin at 814-867-0069 or [email protected].