Additional Academic Support Services
- Workshops
At faculty invitation, the Center for Learning Excellence director provides workshops to first-year seminars designed to motivate students to change their study habits to adapt to college-level work and build awareness of services. Other workshops, targeted to topics such as study abroad or a particular learning skill, such as note-taking, are also provided.
- Group Work
The center provides regularly scheduled Guided Study Groups and Exam Preparation Sessions, primarily for gatekeeper courses. Supplemental Instruction, or SI, also is available for select courses.
- Composition Support
The Composition Support Program embeds writing tutors in first-year composition courses.
- College Writing Awards
The center administers the college-wide writing awards. Nominations are made by faculty. There are five Junior/Senior Writing Awards—one for each School and one open award. Two awards are given to students in first-year composition courses.
- Reflection on Learning
The center administers the optional summer writing assignment for first-year students. The prompts are designed to encourage student reflection on learning and academic goals.