When you apply to law school, you'll find that admissions representatives look for consistent maintenance of high grades (while taking an increasingly challenging course load), varied experiences, and intellectual curiosity. Penn State Behrend is able to provide you the opportunities that create a well-rounded education: extracurricular activities, varsity and intramural sports, part-time employment, and Honors and Study Abroad programs. Getting involved and assuming a leadership role in your activities makes you a more attractive candidate for professional education.
Undergraduate research is valuable evidence of curiosity and potential; you can assist a professor with funded research, or undertake an original project of interest to you. The experience of performing research and recording it in a scholarly paper is particularly helpful preparation for graduate study.
Paid and unpaid internships are a way of both testing the waters of a legal career and offering law schools evidence of your talents. Internships brighten your resume and law school application; you can find an intriguing internship on your own, or work with the college's Career Services.