Once you have been awarded Student Activity Fee funding for your event, you will need to follow one of these procedures to access your money. Funding not spent by the program date on your proposal packet will be pulled back. If you are unsure about which process applies to your SAF award, please call Student Leadership and Involvement at 814-898-6171.
Student Organization Events
Student organizations planning to hold an event on campus should add the event to their BehrendSync calendar and then set up an appointment to meet with Student Leadership and Involvement staff. This should take place no less than 30 days prior to the event date in order to provide time to initiate contracts, work orders, supplier payment accounts, etc. To schedule a meeting, stop by 27 Reed or call
Student Organization Equipment Purchases
Student organizations that are funded for equipment purchases only (such as jerseys, gaming equipment, etc.) should set up an appointment with Christa Morris at the RUB Desk. To schedule a meeting, contact the RUB Desk at 814-898-6242 or Student Leadership and Involvement at
University Department Events and Equipment Purchases
University departments that receive SAF funding will get budget information at the time they are notified of the award. Department budget reconcilers may resolve expenditures to the SAF budget directly, or they may forward those invoices to Christa Morris at the RUB Desk for resolution.