Business Professional Attire
Worn for job interviews and career fairs
- Clothes should be:
Solid, dark, or neutral colors
Light colors can be worn underneath
No stripes or bright prints/colors
- Suit jacket and pants/skirts:
Should be matching colors
- Pant suit or skirt suit (knee-length)
- Knee-length dress with a blazer
- Solid blouse or shirt (usually blue or white)
- Stockings (corporate appropriate)
- Tie
- Shoes should be:
Dress shoes with dress socks or 1-2” closed-toe heels
- Personal items and cell phones:
Keep cellphones turned off and out of sight with personal items.
- Bring essentials only!
Carry a portfolio, professional bag, or simple purse.
TIP: Practice wearing your professional clothing before an interview or career fair.
TIP: Career Services has a FREE Career Closet. Students are welcome to borrow suits, separates, shirts, shoes, and ties for career fairs or interviews.
Business Casual Attire
Worn daily in many workplaces
- Clothes should be:
- Nice pants or slacks
- Khaki pants or slacks
- Knee-length skirt or dress (should be knee-length when standing and cover thighs while seated)
- Sweater, cardigan, button-down, polo, or blouse
- Jacket, blazer, or sports coat
- Scarves
- Ties, optional
- Shoes should be:
- Loafers, nice boots, dress shoes, or heels
- Flats, boots, closed-shoe, or comfortable shoes for walking
TIP: Make sure that your attire is proper, polished, and professional.
TIP: No jeans, shorts, sundresses, or athletic wear.
General Recommendations
- Clothing should be fitted, not too tight or loose.
- Clothing should be lint- and wrinkle-free.
- Belts should match your shoes/attire.
- Wear moderate jewelry and mild fragrances.
- Hair should be well groomed.
If you have questions about what to wear, stop in Career Services to talk with a Career Counselor.