ASG Newsletter
Behrend's quarterly newsletter, Academic Support Group (ASG), informs readers about the resources of the Center for Teaching Initiatives, Copy Center, Information Technology Services, and Library. The following issues are available:
Note: Older, archived announcements may have information or links that are no longer valid.
Spring 2022: Archived Announcements
Learn about Out-of-Classroom Opportunities via App
The Engagement App is designed to help students identify opportunities to participate in student organizations, undergraduate research, study abroad, community service, and/or internships. Students can use the app to search for experiences and filter results based on campus and major. It’s also a way for students to connect with other students and faculty who have similar interests.
The app, which is free to Penn State students, is available for download in the App Store or Google Play by searching “Penn State Engagement App." Users log in using WebAccess, and the app will automatically retrieve their Penn State information.
New ITLD Site Includes Training Calendar
IT Learning and Development (ITLD) recently redesigned its website. The new site includes the same helpful technology training resources but in a new, easy-to-use format. Supported services now have dedicated pages that contain all relevant links, making it easy to quickly find the technology training solutions that best suit your needs. In addition, the calendar of training events is posted on the site as well. To view the calendar or to search for training, select "Events" from the menu at the top.
Fall 2021: Archived Announcements
New Version of One Button Studio
One Button Studio makes it easy to produce professional-quality videos. Late this fall, version 2.0 was launched which provides new features that improve the process for recording, saving, and sharing video projects. The One Button Studio at Behrend is located in the Lilley Library, Room 107. Visit One Button Studio to learn more about the new features and how you can get started creating your video project.
Training: Collaborate using OneDrive, SharePoint, and Teams
In collaboration with Learning Tree International, IT Learning & Development (ITLD at PSU) is offering the following training session: Office 365: Key Tools for Personal Productivity and Collaboration. The sessions are being offered from October 11, 2021, through January 2022 to faculty and staff.
The 1.5-hour session explores the storage and collaboration functions of OneDrive and SharePoint. Plus, you will learn how Microsoft Teams can be used for communication and collaboration, as well as how it interacts with both OneDrive and SharePoint.
Registration is required.
Learn the Basics of OneDrive
If you would like to learn the basics of the online version of OneDrive, be sure to check out the sessions offered by IT Learning and Development (ITLD). Topics include how to access OneDrive from your web browser and how to upload, create, manage, and share your files. To view available dates/times and to register, see OneDrive: An Introduction.
Workshops for Data Analytics and Visualization
During the months of September and October, workshops will be offered for data analytics and visualization. Sessions will highlight tools for business analytics (Power BI, Tableau) and cloud platforms for big data analytics (Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and Amazon Web Services).
A drop-in office hour will be offered after each workshop for those interested in discussing specific applications for their research projects.
The sessions are free and open to Penn State students, faculty, and staff.
See the Penn State news article for more details and to register.
IT Training Opportunities
IT Learning and Development (ITLD) offers online training for topics such as Canvas, Office 365, Top Hat, and Zoom. For more information and to register, visit ITLD. (Click the link at the top, right to view the current month's sessions or use the search box to find sessions.)
And if you aren't able to attend training, be sure to check out ITLD's library of recordings from past sessions.