This room is set aside for all senior School of Engineering students to use. Cooperation and respect for others is key in making sure everyone is permitted to use the facility. A code of conduct for use of the room is posted in the room and below. These rules were developed by students and are on your honor; if problems continue, strict regulations will be made.
- Show common courtesy! We are to share these labs with everyone!
- Senior projects have preference of any other use of the room or the computers.
- Only lock the workstations if they are being used for a simulation. If a simulation is being run, attach a simulation sheet to the computer. Locked workstations not being used for simulations can and will be restarted.
- A team may use more than one computer as long as there are no other teams needing to use a computer. If another team needs to use a computer, please only use one computer per team.
- Homework may be done on the computers when no other senior design teams need to use them.
- No classes are to be held in this room.
- Respect others, i.e. be quiet, clean up after yourself, etc.
- If a team wants to use a cabinet, they must supply a padlock and attach a sign indicating the Project Name, Team Members, and Faculty Adviser.
If you have a problem, please bring it to the attention of the program chair for your major.
These rules were developed by previous students.