The Crime, Law, and Psychology minor explores both sociological and psychological causes of criminal behavior, the legal process, and the political process dealing with the creation of policies promoting prevention and controlling crime.
With this minor program, you’ll learn about criminal behavior, reasons for crime, how crime is investigated, and the legal system charged with processing offenders. The skills and knowledge gained from this minor will benefit students entering into careers in police, security, the correctional system, social work, law, psychology, and government or politics. This 18-credit minor integrates well with a political science or psychology major.
Requirements for the Minor (18 credits)
Prescribed Courses (3 credits)
- SOC/CRIMJ 012 - Criminology
Additional Courses (15 credits)
Select 1 course from the following 400 level Psychology Courses (3 credits)
- PSYCH 445 - Forensic Psychology
- PSYCH 473 - Behavior Modification
- PSYCH 476 - Child Psychopathology
Select 1 course from the following 400 level Political Science Courses (3 credits)
- PL SC 471 - American Constitutional Law
- PL SC 472 - The American Legal Process
- PL SC 482 - American State and Urban Politics
- PL SC 487 - International Law and Organizations
Select 1 course from the Supported Courses of Criminal Justice, Criminology, and Sociology Courses (3 credits) (Initial approved list)
- SOC 005 (GS) - Social Problems
- SOC/CRIMJ 013 (GS) - Juvenile Delinquency
- SOC/CRIMJ 406 - Deviant Behavior
- CRIM/CRIMJ 100 (GS) - Introduction to Criminal Justice
- CRIMJ 423 - Sexual and Domestic Violence
Select 1 course from the Supported Courses of Psychology Courses (3 credits) (Initial approved list)
- PSYCH 221 (GS) - Introduction to Social Psychology
- PSYCH 232 (GS, US, IL) - Cross-Cultural Psychology
- PSYCH 238 (GS) - Introduction to Personality Psychology
- PSYCH 270 - Introduction to Abnormal Psychology
- PSYCH 414 - Social and Personality Development
- PSYCH 438 - Personality Theory
- PSYCH 442 - Trauma and Resiliency
- PSYCH 445 - Forensic Psychology
- PSYCH 473 - Behavior Modification
- PSYCH 476 - Child Psychopathology
Select 1 course the Supported Courses of Political Science Courses (3 credits) (Initial approved list)
- PL SC 177N (GS) - Politics and Government in Washington, D.C.
- PL SC 178 - Organized Crime, Law, Politics
- PL SC 202 (GS, US) - American Public Policy
- PL SC 223N (GS, US, IL) - Ethnic and Racial Politics
- PL SC 419 - The Bureaucratic State
- PL SC 439 - The Politics of Terrorism
- PL SC 471 - American Constitutional Law
- PL SC 472 - The American Legal Process
- PL SC 473 - American Judicial Behavior
- PL SC 482 - American State and Urban Politics
- PL SC 487 - International Law and Organizations
- PL SC 489 - Public Administration
For questions or more information, please contact Dr. Melanie Hetzel-Riggin, Director of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor of Psychology, at [email protected] or 814-898-6949.