Enjoy ‘Eerie’ stories inside Penn State Behrend’s Yahn Planetarium

Special planetarium shows to be held Saturday, Oct. 19
Guests are invited to visit the Yahn Planetarium at Penn State Behrend on Saturday, Oct. 19, for “Eerie Legends and Lore: The Dark Side of Erie’s History.”

Guests are invited to visit the Yahn Planetarium at Penn State Behrend on Saturday, Oct. 19, for “Eerie Legends and Lore: The Dark Side of Erie’s History.” The one-hour, narrated show will include several stories about Erie’s haunting legends complete with photos and synchronized audio.

Credit: Penn State Behrend

A spooky story is only as good as the setting in which it’s told. So how does a 30-foot dome inside a dimly-lit planetarium sound?

Guests are invited to visit the Yahn Planetarium at Penn State Behrend on Saturday, Oct. 19, for “Eerie Legends and Lore: The Dark Side of Erie’s History.” The one-hour, narrated show will include several stories about Erie’s haunting legends complete with photos and synchronized audio.

The show will be held at both 7 and 8 p.m. inside the planetarium, located within Penn State Behrend’s School of Science. Cost to attend a showing is $5, and attendees can register at http://bitly.com/eerielegends.

Stories that will be covered include a UFO sighting on the Peninsula, the legend of Axe Murder Hollow, a disappearance from Erie Cemetery and many more. The program is suitable for ages 12 and up.

Attendees should plan to bring either a printed or digital version of their confirmation from the registration website. For additional information, contact the Yahn Planetarium at 814-898-7268.
