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Supermileage Team Aims for 2,000 mpg

John Pearson’s Oldsmobile gets maybe 21 miles to the gallon. His school car – a custom-built, carbon-fiber test vehicle – is a bit more efficient: It could, in the right conditions, exceed 2,000 mpg.

Tough Terrain Nothing New for Cross-Country Captain

Granted one wish, Alex Myers, who was sick, picked a swimming pool.

His mother said no. Their home in Oakmont, near Pittsburgh, was on a slope.

A dog, then, he said.

His mother shook her head.

A Corvette.

“No,” she said. “You’re 6.”

Behrend Students Take Reins of $100K Investment Fund

Behrend Students Take Reins of $100K Investment Fund“When you’re working with a mock portfolio and you mess up, there’s no damage done,” said Vincent Intrieri, a 1984 graduate of Penn State Erie, The Behrend College. “But when it’s real money, with real consequences, you focus.