To promote community awareness, UPPS strives to have a strong working relationship with the University community. We do this through our crime prevention library and public education programs.
Prevention and Resource Library
Visit our prevention and resource library for helpful tips and links to crime prevention and safety.
- Bicycle Program: Officers provide information about bicycle rules and safety.
- DUI Program: A presentation is given on driving under the influence, including laws, detection, arrest procedures, and prosecution.
- Theft Prevention Program: Officers present information and precautions to be taken to minimize the risk of becoming a victim of theft.
- Sexual Assault Prevention: Issues involving sexual assaults are discussed as well as relevant statistics.
- Orientation Program: Officers meet with groups to discuss police procedures and services that are available from the department.
- Rap Sessions: Officers are available to meet with groups to discuss topics of their choosing or to facilitate general discussion.
- Security and Safety for Faculty/Staff Program: Information about personal safety and theft prevention in the workplace is provided.
UPPS also has brochures and printed materials for most of the above topics as well as others. These items are available in the brochure rack in the UPPS office or can be sent to you by mail.