For an emergency, dial 911.
To comply with state and local regulations, fire drills are conducted by Police Services in the academic buildings and residential buildings once a month.
Here's what to do if a fire alarm sounds:
- Feel the door to see if it is hot. If hot, do not open! Go to a window and make your presence known. If the door is warm, put weight against the door and open it slowly. If safe, evacuate.
- If you are in a residence hall and if it is safe enough, knock on the doors around you to alert other residents before leaving the building.
- Calmly and quickly exit the building by the nearest exit.
- Once outside, move away from the exit so emergency crews can get into the building unimpeded.
- Do not re-enter the building until there has been an "all clear" message delivered by Police Services or a fire department official.
Everyone must exit the building in the event of a fire alarm (whether it is a drill or not). If you remain inside a building with a fire alarm, you are risking your safety and the safety of others.