The escort service is designed to enhance your safety and peace of mind when you walk on campus after dark. The primary goal is to deter sexual harassment, verbal abuse, and assault, by enabling you to travel with a greater sense of security.
The escort service is primarily a walking service. Escorts are not provided off campus.
Mobile escorts are provided if deemed appropriate; they are not intended as an alternative to other forms of transportation. When calling for an escort, you should assume you will be given a walking escort.
Requests for escort service will be denied if:
- Two or more people are going to the same destination
- Other means of transportation are available
- It is determined that a person has provided false or misleading information to the dispatcher
Who is eligible to use the escort service?
The escort service is provided free to all students, faculty, and staff. A Penn State ID card is required when receiving an escort.
When are escorts available?
They are available from dusk to dawn.
Who will escort me?
Escorts may be provided by police and public safety officers, property protection guards, or student auxiliary members.
To what locations can I be escorted?
The escort service will provide you with an escort to any location on campus. Escorts are not provided to any off-campus location.
How do I arrange for an escort?
Call UPPS any time between dusk and dawn. Due to other duties, escorts may be delayed. If this is the case, you will be advised on how long it will be before the escort is available.