Safety Chair/Co-Chairs Responsibilities — School of Engineering
The Engineering Safety Chair(s) are responsible for the oversight and coordination of safety issues within the School of Engineering and are the primary point(s) of contact and liaison with the EHS Safety Coordinator for the Behrend Campus.
The Safety Chair(s) will identify a back-up to assume responsibilities in his/her absence.
Primary Duties of the Safety Chair(s):
- Establish and maintain, as chairperson, the School of Engineering Safety Committee.
- Work with the Director of the School of Engineering to visibly demonstrate leadership commitment to workplace safety and health.
- Appoint Laboratory Safety Officers to implement the University’s Laboratory and Research Safety Plan in the Engineering labs.
- Implement processes to raise awareness of the Departmental Safety Chair(s), School of Engineering Safety Committee, and the Lab Safety Officers by:
- Attending faculty meetings
- Visiting laboratories
- Conducting annual lab safety orientation meetings
- Sending out an introductory email annually
- Using the School of Engineering website to provide lab safety information, newsletters, and sharing the SOE safety committee minutes, including links to the EHS safety council website.
- Promptly conduct a thorough investigation of all work-related injuries, illnesses and accidents, submit appropriate recommendations on all accident reports, including the Employer's Reports of Occupational Injury or Illness or the Incident Report, as appropriate, and follow through to ensure corrective measures have been implemented.
- Initiate proper follow-up measures and ensure corrective actions are implemented when unsafe conditions, practices or equipment are reported or observed.
- Implement processes to ensure that students and employees in the School of Engineering know what to do in an emergency.
- Preparation in advance:
- Complete an evacuation plan, identifying responsible individuals, an area for outdoor congregation, etc.
- Encourage students and staff to enroll in an emergency notification system, such as PSUAlert.
- During an emergency:
- Call 911
- Leave building during fire alarm
- Contact EHS to facilitate laboratory moves - moving within or leaving the University.
- Help facilitate the annual EHS Laboratory Inspections and accompany EHS on inspections.
- Contact EHS immediately if a regulatory or enforcement agency representative visits any of your labs.
- Provide financial support for health and safety improvements, or request assistance from the next higher level of supervision regarding these requests.