October 2021 Minutes

Safety Committee Meeting

School of Engineering

October 14, 2021


In Attendance: Chris Bartlett, Dave Honard, Brian Lani, Lucy Lenhardt, Mario Loreti, Fred Nitterright, Steve Nozaki, Nancy Study, Joy Armbruster

Members Unavailable: Hussein Abdeltawab, Glenn Craig, Anne Gohn, Phil Jones

Joy Armbruster called the meeting to order at 9:00 am.


Each committee member covered their Lab/s Risk Assessment /Activity Report. Any reports of new, moved, or deleted equipment will be added to the equipment database. Any lab concerns/new business reported on the forms will be addressed.

  • Lucy reported that several new pieces of new equipment were purchased, in place and labeled in the Plastics lab. She also mentioned that Burke 118A will now house plastics equipment. The lab will need a USP (Unit Specific Plan) added, as well as a SAA (Satellite Accumulation Area) and a lab coordinator assigned.
  • Fred reported that Burke 118 will receive 2 new Universal Testing Machines. He mentioned to the committee that training will be given on the equipment at the end of the month for anyone interested.
  • Anne reported that two new pieces of equipment were added to Burke 130. This equipment is part of the new plastics equipment reported by Lucy.
  • Anne reported last month that a new 3D printer that uses UV light to cure was purchased in plastics and asked the safety committee to address any safety concerns regarding its use.
  • Brian reported that the Micro Indenter in AMIC 117 that went out for repair has not yet been returned.

Accident/Incident Report

Accident/Incident Report: No new injuries or near misses to report.

Continuing Business

The minutes from the September 2021 meeting were reviewed.

Mario suggested that students using Burke 145 should have training on soldering before using the lab. He also suggested that we ask maintenance to look at the ventilation in the space. There is currently a fume vent in the lab. This action item is ongoing.

The Unit Specific Plans have been reviewed and signed in the labs. Fred shared concern that in Burke 118 more faculty and students are using the lab than he is aware of and would like a better list of who is assigned or approved to use the lab. Brian commented that perhaps a better checklist or questionnaire could be developed for senior design projects so that the information could be shared with the lab coordinators. Further review will follow.

Mario reported that black mold was found on the ceiling around an air handler in the hallway outside Burke 143. A maintenance work order was placed, and he reported that they are working to resolve the problem. Completed.

Mario reported that a piece of equipment marked for a faculty member has been sitting in the hallway outside Burke 125 since May. Dave reported that Shawn Limrick from Maintenance contacted him asking that the equipment be removed. Dave will follow up and move the equipment. Completed.

Discussion continued regarding the update of the Lab Safety Timeline. The EHS annual lab audits were removed. SAA compliance and ladder inspections will be added. The committee started discussion as to whether we should reinstate the previous annual lab self-inspections that the committee completed in the past for the SOE labs. These inspections were in addition to the required EHS annual lab inspections. Each committee member would take several labs (not their own) to review for safety compliance. The committee shared their thoughts and will continue discussion at next month’s meeting.

Discussion continued on the question of who can use sponsor owned equipment within PSU labs. Can others use the equipment for work outside of the intended research? This came up specifically concerning the SKF equipment in AMIC 117/118/119/120. Further investigation will be pursued.

New Business

The committee discussed the card access process for Burke 117. The Supermileage and Robotics clubs have grown to 30-40 students and the normal card access procedure where each student is required to meet with the lab access coordinator has become very difficult. The members shared several thoughts and ideas to help streamline the process and will continue the conversation next month.

Mario reported that the card access lab doors for Burke 140 and 143 are not closing securely and can be accessed without using card swipe. A maintenance work order was previously submitted and will be investigated.


The meeting concluded at 9:55 am. The next meeting will be scheduled for November.