Safety Committee Meeting Minutes - March 2021

Safety Committee Meeting

School of Engineering


March 15, 2021

In Attendance: Hussein Abdeltawab, Chris Bartlett, Glenn Craig, Anne Gohn, Dave Honard, Phil Jones, Brian Lani, Lucy Lenhardt, Mario Loreti, Fred Nitterright, Steve Nozaki, Nancy Study, Joy Armbruster

Members Unavailable: Faisal Aqlan

Phil Jones called the meeting to order at 9:05 a.m.


Each committee member covered their Lab/s Risk Assessment /Activity Report. Any reports of new, moved, or deleted equipment will be added to the equipment database. Any lab concerns/new business reported on the forms will be added to the April meeting agenda.


Accident/Incident Report

No new injuries or near misses to report.


Continuing Business

The following updates were provided for continuing business:

  • We are currently still looking for a Lab Coordinator for the Burke Electrical Labs, 146, 148, 151.
  • The EHS Safety Training Videos have been added to the LRN, and a new set of instructions will be placed on the SOE website for Faculty, Staff, and Students to access. The new instructions were provided for the committee members to review.
  • The Annual Lab Self Inspections are almost complete, with a few still outstanding.
  • Dr. Kurzweg will be compiling the requests for equipment purchases and repairs and will update the committee at a later time.
  • The power washer belonging to the Innovation Commons has been moved to Burke 117. It will be locked out to be used only by authorized individuals for safety purposes.
  • Mario will address the toaster oven and coffee supplies found in the Senior Design Lab, Burke 111. It was suggested that these supplies are very old and no longer a safety concern but should be removed.

COVID-19 Questions-Mitigation Action for Labs

Nancy, Mario, and Joy reported that they have observed students in the SOE labs without masks and sitting less than 6 feet apart, which is a violation of the COVID-19 protocol. The safety concern will be shared with administration for follow-up.

Anne reported that many of the newly purchased face shields are cracking. This information should be shared with those who are purchasing the PPE.


New Business

Mario reported that students without card access were working in the Motors Lab, Burke 144. They were let into the lab by an instructor who was not present with them. Mario asked that the committee look at a way to communicate that students must request card access if they plan on working in restricted labs without an instructor. Also, Mario and Brandi Baros from EHS are planning to meet in the Motors lab this week to review electrical risks.

Mario reported that there are several cords causing a trip hazard in the Wind Tunnel Lab, Burke 113. Dave will address the concern.

Lock-out Tag-out training was conducted by Brandi (EHS) for SOE Technicians and Faculty. New Penn State locksets and tags will be purchased for the program. Also, Dave Honard completed the Energized Electrical Safety Training, and an Arc Flash suit will be purchased for his use.

The meeting concluded at 10:00 a.m. The next meeting will be scheduled for April 2021.