Safety Committee Meeting
School of Engineering
September 24, 2020
In Attendance: Faisal Aqlan, Chris Bartlett, Glenn Craig, Dave Honard, Phil Jones, Brian Lani, Lucy Lenhardt, Mario Loreti, Steve Nozaki, Nancy Study, Joy Armbruster
Members Unavailable: Anne Gohn, Fred Nitterright
The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m.
Welcome to Chris Bartlett, new technician/machinist in the School of Engineering, as a member of the committee.
Continuing Business
Each committee member covered their Lab/s Risk Assessment/Activity Report. Any reports of new, moved, or deleted equipment will be added to the equipment database. Any lab concerns/new business reported on the forms will be added to the October agenda for further review.
Accident/Injury Report
No new injuries to report.
Continuing Business
The committee discussed how best to post the Lab Risk Level on each lab. The committee looked at a couple of options. The existing signs have been color coded to show risk level, but we are planning to continue revisions with the hope of making the risk level more visible and understood by all who walk by or enter the labs.
Discussion regarding the communication of the revisions to the “No Food, No Drink” policy in the low risk labs, allowing closed lid drinks in these labs, is ongoing. The committee will continue to finalize the changes and provide written communication to faculty. It was noted that all drinks should be kept off of tables, computer stations, and away from equipment.
The Confocal Microscope now housed in 117 AMIC may need an SOP and Training. It was reported that that Engineering does not use the equipment; it is only used by the School of Science. The committee agreed to reach out to the Science Department and Jerry Magraw to address any concerns surrounding the equipment.
New Business
The Unit Specific Plan (USP) Certification Pages have been updated in the labs for FA20 and should be signed by all who teach, work, or research in the labs.
The Faculty/Staff Safety Training FA20 requirement has been communicated and training certificates are being received in the School of Engineering office.
First Aid kits and their replacement items were discussed. New items will be ordered and replenished with the most cost-effective option.
New Lab Coordinators are needed for the electrical labs and for B-144, motors lab. The committee gave suggestions of faculty who we may want to ask to consider the position. The committee will continue the search.
Concerns surrounding the new protocol and lab operations due to the COVID-19 virus were discussed. The committee felt that things were going well overall. Several members shared that they are concerned by seeing faculty and students, in close proximity, not wearing face shields. The concern will be communicated to administration.
Pending/Resolved Action Items
The USP plan has been removed from 209 Burke as it has been determined that the space is no longer used as a lab, but as an office space. Resolved.
BEEP (Building Emergency Evacuation Plan) – A status report will be discussed with Business Operations.
The meeting concluded at 10:00 a.m. The next meeting is scheduled for October 22, 2020.